I didn't go to Band last night in case I was diseased with the sore throat. I did, however spend an hour blowing at home (my bone not my nose)
I checked my 'Teddy Meter' first thing this morning and it was still set at 'Not Happy'
A few things have happened today that have, shall we say, irritated me. I wont go into much detail about the first, but some folk are extremely insensitive.
Add to that the care and attention I put into making a completely horrendous body, into a viewable one and the Family say 'It looks nothing like them'????
I also got called to another company today to drive the Flower Hearse in front of a Horse Drawn carriage. A challenge in itself as it was my responsibility to stop all on coming traffic by blocking the road. This, I did enjoy as it all went like clockwork and all the motorists I met were 'switched on'
This week, I am off to find out what happened to Glenn Miller.
All will be revealed
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