A plethora of literal talent we doth have in the Band per say!!!
Whats the chances of 2 of us poor stressed musicians appearing in the local rag at the same time???
Well today, I had a letter published (written 2 weeks ago!!) and my old mate the trumpet player had a mention in an article, involving a murder!!!! (committed in the Ballroom by professor Plum with a heavy wallet) His was much more interesting than mine though and by writing, he helped someone to solve a mystery from years ago. I am going to call him Miss Marples from now on.
I have just spent 6 hours shopping!!!!! with my missus (loosely) and I actually enjoyed it as only 5hrs and 30 minutes was handbag shopping, compared to the full allotted time. I did browse around an antique shop though and purchased a frame of Piccadilly Circus made out of old clock parts??? I don't need this and have not got a clue why I bought it! but it is over 38 years old and I did some major haggling to get it down to a mere fiver!!! See us blokes think that it must be worth a lot more, but in fact it's probably worth 50p,
We stopped off at a new cafe in town. After about 20 minutes a spotty pre pubescent, tattooed chewing gum and texting waitress came across to serve us. I said 'Is the coffee fresh'??? looking up from her Gooseberry phone she replied 'Yeah I think so ,cos we have only been open 4 days'???
plees call me hercule Poirot, weeth ma leetle grey cells. Ah 'ave ze body for eet.