Having gone to bed shattered last night, I had my usual reading session, then switched off the light for some well deserved kip. However, thanks to something tickling my throat all night (?) I managed to drop off 30 minutes before my alarm went of??? I don't know if it is the start of a cold or the lung full of decomposing body I got yesterday?
Needless to say. I am like a bear with a sore head today and very touchy grrrrr.
It helped therefore, when we did a Funeral, that a close relative of the deceased,was coming hundreds of miles to attend. This person knew the benefit system like the back of their hand and had got the travel money from the social (you, me and the workers etc) Now, anyone who knows me, also knows (that's a lot of knows) that I hate the morons who have never done a day's work in their lives and yet are draining the system dry. To prove my point. The person arrived from many miles away, but did not attend the Funeral. Instead, they emptied the deceaseds house of all the expensive stuff ,TV etc and then hightailed it back to where they came from??? with their booty, before any other member of the family, could fairly share it out.
Once a skank always a skank.
Well said, Glenn...