Yesterday the world lost one of the greatest Film Composers of all times. John Barry had a phenomenal talent and his music could easily be identified by the rich bass tones he used. It did not matter what car you were driving, be it a clapped out Cortina or a Skoda. Once you started to play the James Bond theme, it turned into an Aston Martin? Take the stirring music away from Zulu and the film would only be mediocre. What a sad loss to the world of music. But of course, he will live on forever, because of it.
Also sad today as I attended the Funeral of one of our audience members. It's such a shame that you only get to hear what the person has done in life, after they die. He was a very quiet and private man, but loved his music. Indeed, the coffin entered to In the Mood. I also found out, that after his wife passed away, he turned his hand to oil painting. He also served with a local Regiment and saw action abroad.
I stood at the back of the Crematorium with another member of our audience. The vicar forgot to announce to the congregation to 'stand' on the first Hymn. So me and he stood....and the rest sat??? I glared at the vicar and on the next Hymn he said loudly 'All Stand' What I don't get is, that I thought everyone stood at the beginning of a Hymn without being told??? or is it the sheep effect again?
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