Many years ago I had an idea of putting on the Glenn Miller Story with our Band and a local amateur dramatics group. Despite touting the idea around no one was prepared to take it on.
Last night I went to watch a play called ‘The Glenn Miller Mystery. It was only an hour long and had only 2 characters. One was a Frank Sinatra impersonator on his last gig in a seedy club at Twinwoods Airfield. The other, as it turns out, the ghost of Glenn Miller. It was a fair play and I wont spoil the ending in case you go and watch it. The character who played the spirit of GM actually looked like him in the end scene, Complete with Trombone (although he had not been taught how to hold it properly,.nor did he play it) and part USA uniform. However the play lacked something. I could really see our Band in the play dressed in Uniform and it would have extended the play by at least 45 minutes, thus making the thirteen quid admission fee, worthwhile. I went to have a chat with one of the characters at the end, but all I got chance to do was introduce myself, before he did a lovey and went to met some other people? Oh well it’s the thought that counts.
Thinking about Glenn Miller? I often wonder what peoples last thoughts might be faced with impending death? If a bomb did drop on the Norseman, did he even have time to think? Was his Trombone on board in it’s case? Will it ever be found? All a mystery
The 'Teddy Meter' is still stuck on grumpy, but this is probably due to an annoying little problem that continues to niggle me. Yes, the old tooth is putting in some token complaints again? After reading the American Trombonists book, I am hesitant in getting it fixed or pulled. So for now I will suffer in silence.
We did a bikers Funeral today with a bike and Sidecar Hearse. Our Hearse. About 100 bikes and 3 Limo's...very impressive.
The only thing that I did not understand,was, that on the Funeral was a bike that was worth about one hundred grand!!!!! And it nearly did not start?
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