A friend of mine, who works for a large Corporate Company hates AGM's. he says it stands for 'Angry Group of Moaners' (silent 'of' of course...although the second of is not silent...the one I just wrote) The Band had their AGM last night and ours stands for 'Amicable Gathering of (there it is again) Musicians' A very cheerful chat over a beer and all finished in just over an hour. It's good to know that all is well.
Talking of anagrams? another musician friend of mine worked out that an anagram of 'Paganini Variations' was 'Vagina Inspiration'?? to which I replied that an anagram of 'Entrust Goldsmith' was 'Moist Dangle Thrust' I don't know why I know that, but I am sure it will come in useful one day?
I see in the news that they have named a mountain after President Vladimir Putin? I can't see that catching on over here as 'Mount Maggie' just does not sit right.
Progress report on my partner and her Mum. They almost reached camp 2 on K2" but found that they had opened an Himalayan branch of Bon Marche, so have been a tad distracted. Along with the small camping primus stove they took with them, was Gordon Ramseys 'Eat for Energy' Cook Book. But they said and quote 'It's f**** impossible to get the ingredients up there?
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