I think God put me on this planet to accomplish a certain amount of tasks? I am so far behind now, that I will probably live forever!!!
I have spent the last 2 hours sat at my PC, trawling through the e mails I have had enquiring about the Band. Numerous people don't bother there a**e to get back to me, even if I send out a polite reminder?
I also sell DVD's on a well known site, but only 1 in 5 bother to leave feedback, even when the item is posted within 24 hours.
Someone once said, that things like this should not anger you. that you have to accept that some folk have lower standards than yourself and instead of getting stressed just try and understand that this is the way they were brought up and they know no difference.
A Trombone friend of mine has just been burgled. he has worked hard all his life and been through some trying times and then this. Unfortunately we are going to see more of this as Car Insurance/petrol/Bills etc keep rising. The honest folk will be violated by the scum bags out there and until the law becomes 'A thing to be feared' then it will go on. You may all notice this year that your car insurance has risen dramatically. This is because the amount of uninsured drivers out there are draining the system and once again the 'decent' have to bear the brunt of it. The population of Egypt had the right idea with 'People Power' and until this slumbering Country wakes up, people will continue to be drained of thier hard earned money.
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