A cracking night at Band last night and the room was buzzing . I even got a couple of solo's under my belt on my new bone.
Playing a good solo is almost better than sex!!!! Only you don't get a round of applause at the end of that? That is, unless you are into 'dogging'? which I am led to believe involves a car a partner and an audience??? What a weird world we live in. Anyway my car is far to small for that sort of thing!!!!
Very sad to learn, that yet another member of the audience is very very poorly. Our thoughts are with them.
Not a joke.
Plans are being put into motion to exhume the body of Henry VIII. They want to do medical tests to see if his anger problems (chopping off heads is not the result of a bad day on the throne) (although I had one of those today) were due to an illness and thus, they can rewrite the History books. Fascinating.
Our City's Football team are playing abysmal at the moment. They have signed a new Chinese Striker called Winn Wonn Soon'!!
That was a joke.
Our AGM is due next Sunday and with no motions/Items put forward is set to be the shortest meeting in the Band's History!!!!
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