They say there is nothing so sure in life than death and Tax’s. Well I know all about the first one. The second is a dread I have, about this time every year. You see ,I just know, that despite numerous telephone calls ,on an expensive 0845 number, that they will continue to bugger my tax up. I mean. I do not wish to pay to little, because I know millions drinking in pubs every day and who have no intention of working, depend on me. Now this is a great responsibility as you probably all realise? So why is it, that the guy at the end of the phone say’s ‘Oh that should not have happened’ and then ‘We will change it so it doesn't happen again’??? Well b*****s they have said that every year so far. 25 minutes later, the geezer has altered 1 bloody digit of my Tax Code to finally remove me from the Lord Sugar bracket. Muppets.
Good blow last night, but abysmal turn out in the audience. It was packed last week so I am not sure if the recession is kicking in with petrol and admission price and beer prices etc???
I was just reflecting on life on my journey to work. I was thinking of the very first time I had sex. In fact I still have the receipt.
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