Good blow last night and a better crowd too. I was talking to the lead player and he said that he got changed in the same room as the clarinet player Acker Bilk had been in. Mr Acker had left one of his old reeds behind, so the bone player kept it as a souvenir??? I told him to sell it on E Bay but he reckoned that no one would believe it belonged to Mr Bilk. I told him that they could use DNA testing if they were that bothered???
Talking of E Bay. I sold a mouthpiece at a great loss today. When you take off Postage and fee's it is abysmal what you get back. My fault for being so generous with the starting price though.
An old mate of mine has just been done for stealing a lorry load of Tippex.
They have sent him to a Correctional Unit for a year?
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