Had a text from Germany this morning, to say my new mouthpiece is on the way? Service or what.
Trouble is. I have no idea where my new Trombone is, as it is somewhere between France and here.
I have to keep reminding myself , that today is Tuesday and I am playing tonight. It feels like a Monday.
There is a great female singer called Jo Lawry who is backing Sting. I have just had an e mail from her after I wrote to say how good I thought she was. She took the time to reply even though she is on a World tour!!!
Straight back into the traffic jams and stress this morning. Did we really have Xmas?
I have no idea where the photo above was taken but they keep appearing on Face Book and are bringing back memories.
Just thinking. The closest I have ever come to 3 in a bed was when I dated a Schizophrenic?
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