One word describes why this world has not reached it's full potential.
That word is 'Meetings'
I have had to change the font of this Blog so my poor mate can read it. I think it is the shadow from his wads of cash that are obscuring his view.
I keep seeing Xmas trees in folks windows still? I am assuming, as everyone seemed to have been ill over Chrimbo, that they are celebrating it now.
I was touched just before the Festive Holiday as a local church had asked for prayers to be tied to the Xmas tree. There were all sorts of pleas, asking for health and peace of mind. So today whilst sitting in the same church, I was rather disillusioned to find the prayer cards stuffed into an old tesco bag under a seat? Not much hope there then?
Good night last night at Band and a full house. I wimped out and went back to my old mouthpiece, but know I have got to give the other more time.
I have been trying to sell an old Trombone on e bay. despite 8 people watching it, no one bid?? I wonder what they were watching for???? Anyway, it is back on again as my new bone is still in China!!!
A bit of the old marching above. I actually enjoyed this sometimes although it was bloody hard work, especially when doing the displays.
I was watching it, so I would know when you were £99 richer, and might remember your old pal...