I figure, that life, is a little like being in a Dog Sled team. If you are not the lead dog, then the view is going to be pretty much the same?
Talking of Huskies. Our poor vocalist is down with the Flu and bad chest which is not very helpful when you need your lungs throat and clacker to produce songs. Get well soon C.
We have done a Buddhist Funeral in the last few days. Extremely interesting (and a few very pretty Thai ladies as well) and different from our services.
As my friend said 'I can't believe it's not Buddha'??
I have taken another show on this year? For saying I am not very happy with my playing I must be a glutton for punishment. But as John Miles, sang in the coffin shop today (on the radio, not stood beside me) Music was my first love and it will be my last....How very true, no matter if it hurts sometimes.
Is it my eyes or your font? - cant read a word of this!