A wise old man once said to me 'People don't listen, they just wait for their turn to speak'
At least, I think that is what he said?
I may be indecisive, I am not sure. I know I am pigged off that I have ordered a new different size mouthpiece for my new bone (which I have not got yet) and that arrived yesterday. So I spent the whole of last nights practice trying each one and convincing myself, that one was better than the other??? Time will tell.
Fascinating programme about UFO's (I believe in them) and a possible cover up with secretly developed super aircraft. Germany was way ahead during the war and was on the brink of developing a super fighter. It was saucer shaped and it's take off pad was known as the fly trap. If it had been developed we could have been in serious doo doo.
In the USA and Area 51 it is widely rumoured (and evidence exists) that an aircraft has been built that can fly 8000 miles and hour!!!! That's over 2 miles a second. That might have helped me in my trip to work today ,as the 10 miles took over an hour!!!
Having had no chance for lunch today I decided to have a quick look on the works PC at my Face Book page. I forgot to log out and when a so called mate went to look into his account, he went straight to mine.
He thought it would be funny to accept some friend requests. There was one person from the past that I had never any intention of being friends with (as I never was) and out of the 50+ requests he clicked on that one. I have now had to close my account down, effectively cutting myself off from some old friends. I will never forgive him for this.
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