Those people who say, that little things don't bother them, have never slept in a room with a Mosquito.!!
Something little bothered me today. We were on a massive Funeral. The church has it's own car park, but shoppers and parents use it willy nilly (strange saying). So when they got back from the shops etc ,they all found there cars blocked in. Now this was a Catholic Funeral, so a long long service. Most took it in there stride. However one woman went ballistic and wanted to call the Police and have the Church evacuated. I politely told her where she could go and she went?
However another polite lady ,was very distraught because she had to pick her children up. So I let her use my phone to contact her husband, then me and my mate negotiated her through the parked cars. You see there is a way of going through life. If you rant and rave and sulk you will get nothing. But if you are polite and communicate, there is a good chance you will be helped. Here endeth the first lesson.
One of my work mates Mum passed away last night. We have her with us in the Chapel of rest. Always difficult when you know the person.
The old tooth is starting to hum again. No where near as bad,but it does need looking at. I would rather jump out of a plane again though, than go to the Dentist!!!
A great improvement in my Tinnitus (that ringing in ears) since using the audio stands. A couple of months down the line and they are worth all that money. We are still experimenting with the angle and height and when we have got it right they will not have to be altered.
It's took a bit of give and take with everyone, but a vast improvement and I think these stands will become more popular as the word spreads. It's amusing that the Council make there employees wear ear protectors whilst mowing the lawn at the Crem!!!! I was talking to a trombone player the other day and asked if the decibels bothered him.
He replied 'Not at all, as I am going deaf'!!!!!!!!!!
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