My new bone is still residing in France and I am unlikely to get it before next week, as it is still at the shop boo! It is ironic then, that the bone I am playing now, never has sounded as good last night!!! I think it knows it's days are numbered.
I greatly admire our top trombone player. His jazz is phenomenal. We now share a similar talent. He was diagnosed with IBS!!!! However he puts it down to a bug, so his guts are back to normal, unlike mine after the 20 lbs of Stilton I have consumed over Chrimbo.
We have a couple of guys who we bring in, when we are short handed at work. Short is probably the operative word, as we affectionately call them the 'Umpahlumpahs'!!! Not the best drivers in the world, but one of them volunteered to drive the second Limo. When it was mentioned that there would be a long reverse down a street, I offered to drive it for him.
In his broad accent he replied 'Arr cud reverse it donwnt M1'
Well lets hope there are not many Lampposts down the Motorway, as only 20 feet into the reverse he backed the Limo into a Lamppost!!!!!!!!! I was in the lead Limo following him down and noticed he had been up the pavement a few times (this was a wide road) but did not realise until we got to the crem, that he had pranged it. The boss ain't going to be to happy when he gets back!!!
When I started to lose my hair in the Army, I used the Charlton Comb Over method, as seen above!!!! What was I thinking??
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