I am not sure if it a rogue Gherkin or a rampant Olive, but boy the old tum is putting some complaints in?? I have spent most of the time whilst out shopping with my partner (she is look for her 72nd Handbag?) sitting, people watching. A fascinating pastime at the best of time. I don't know if it is me...but every one over 18, looks the same. The way they walk. The way they dress. The way they have their hair done. Even to the way they hold there mobile phones.....almost like Cheryl Cole Clones (try saying that fast). And the girls are just as bad!!!
One our Trombonists is in Hospital and we send him all our best to get well soon. He really has been in the wars these last few months, but us bone players are made of stern stuff so I am sure he will be fine. The last time I visited one of the Band in Hospital, i was still in Undertakers kit. he woke up to see me standing at the foot of the bed....he got well soon.
Don't think I will blow tonight. Mainly for health and safety issues.....
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