When poor old Gerry Rafferty passed on, he left a great piece of music behind called ‘Baker Street’ It always reminds me of some of my past when I hear it and especially the haunting sax solo. Turns out though, that the guy who played the solo, only got paid £27 and the cheque bounced. He also hated it as he thought he played flat?????
I think my DIY skills are getting better as I get older. It only took me 5 hours to fix up a flat pack bookcase yesterday. It works fine, as long as I don’t put more than one book on the shelf.
I thoroughly enjoyed Band last nigh as everyone was on form? I even enjoyed my own playing for a change??
Today I was sent on a Travellers Funeral. What a close knit community they are, and it seems everyone turns out to pay their respects.
I caught the Trumpet player counting his money last night. I think he may have dropped a penny so we closed all the doors and let no one out.
I can't make out the photo above. It would seem that we had no audience so we played to the bushes instead. Prince Charles would have been mighty impressed.
You know, the only trouble with reality, is the lack of background music.
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