I should have known.
I got up Tuesday morning feeling drained. By tea time I felt a tingling on my lip. Within a couple of minutes, I had a cold Sore the size of a small tropical island, on my lip.
It nicely sat, just where the rim of my mouthpiece goes. Did I wimp out of Band...no. But it has aggravated it and now is as big an Elephants A*se and glowing like a laser beam?
My Boss said that he never gets them. Well that's like saying to a blind person, that you can see perfectly well!!!
It hurts, it's sore and I am p*ssed off. It's another thing than runs in the family genes (yes that as well) and I have the set.
However, to prove that there was a period of time between birth and 15 that I had hair, see above.
Long wavy locks, that have long waved goodbye.
I am not moaning. A bit of a rough ride, but it has never stopped me. Just slows me down a tad.
I would like to know how I become so exhausted though. Although training when I feel tired is probably not helping??
I have to put this into perspective as a musician friend of mine has just lost his son in an accident. My thoughts are with him and his family.
I have been digging out old photo's. Some of which are published on a well known social site.
One is of me on the beach in Cyprus. As a mate commented 'Budgie Smuggling'
You will have to work that one out your self!!!
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