I wont lie and say things are great at the moment, cos they ain't. But as was drilled into me many years ago.
'Soldier on'
There is really no other way to go. I can actually understand what my old Mum was going through now bless her. I am amazed that I still feel it hard to talk about.
Ashamed even.
But this is the 21st Century and so many people are suffering and still it seems as if it is taboo. I know that fellow sufferers follow the Blog and web site I have created, so I hope this is also a help to them in understanding 'it' better, following the up's and down's of a rather bumpy journey through life.
Still, it will pass (although at the time you never think so) and all will be well again for a time.
More than anything, I love my music. But even that becomes a chore during this?
Maybe tomorrow I will find my way?
I did get to Band last night and it is amazing what you can achieve when auto pilot kicks in?
The Landlady of the Pub gave the Band leader a bollocking because some of the Band were taking their own beer in.
One guy was so incensed he threatened to leave?
I can't blame them for doing this as the beer is expensive.But how simple to take your empties away with you so no one knows???
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