I had to miss the Band rehearsal last night because I felt so drained? I did not feel so bad though, when I found out that my old mate in the Band had fallen asleep on the sofa and completely missed it? Maybe the 'Overwhelming Tiredness Bug' is going around. It's also playing havoc with the old 'IBS' so getting loads of reading done.
I would like to thank my Energy provider for ringing me today, to put my mind at rest about a possible huuuugeee bill I might have to pay. Did they ring? Did they buggery. So another round of calls from me. Before I tell you the outcome, please read this taken off their 'How to read your Metre' web site.
How do I read a dial meter? These meters have clock-style dials. When recording your reading you should always record the lower number, except when the pointer is between nine and zero, in this circumstance the correct reading is nine.
So there you go. It must be a 9 if between 0 and 9........only it isn't? Or so the lady tells me ,on the helpline? So if I read it as a 0 in the first place ,that would take my Bill down to an acceptable ton or so???
Am I angry?
Have I complained?
Nope, cos I don't have the energy(pun intended)
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