Last year ,I was tasked to cut some panels up,to put on the mortuary wall to cover damp spots.
As I was cutting them, a Florist came in and asked what I was doing. My employer said, that I was cutting panels but not to worry as that were only made of asbestos. She looked concerned, but I thought my employer was joking.
Turns out these panels are asbestos? But I am assured, that it is safe asbestos?? Phew was worried for a while
I have still not been paid for last week (rest of staff have) To be fair I was off but it is now Tuesday and I dare not ask for the money ,as the atmosphere is a little fragile. (it's ok though as I can always loan some money of me old mate the trumpet player). They must have a lot on their minds as tough times are coming.
I suddenly realised when I was practicing last night, that because this new Trombone is smaller, it does not fit into my neck as well as the large bore. In fact it is throwing my embouchure out a fraction! I am sticking with it though and hope I will adapt.
I know that some people never forget when something bad happens to them ( I am at fault as well, as anyone who has deliberately done me wrong, is on a list). It would seem that some folk are not sympathetic to the Japan disaster. Messages have been written and sent out by e mail that 'It's not nice when something sneaks up on you without any warning. Remember Pearl Harbour'
To those that were personally touched by that part of History I can understand how the hatred runs deep. But not sure, if that is the way forward to a better world?
A friend of mine has been told he has claustrophobia and agoraphobia.
He spends most of his time standing in doorways!
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