I don't like telling Irish jokes because it always infers that they are a little slow in the up take. So there was this bloke from Albania called paddy. He went for a job at a chemical plant. The foreman asks paddy if he had worked with chemicals before. Begora top of the morning of course I have replies paddy. Can you tell me what nitrate is asks the boss.Time and a half I hope replies paddy!!!
Spent an hour practicing and an hour transposing last night. It's amazing how much I have forgotten (or at least slowed down on) since playing Tenor Clef in Brass Bands? Had a lady came into the office to say that she was not paying for a Funeral as she had not arranged it?? However she had sat with the Funeral Director and signed a form???? I was touched last night with a Red Nose day programme about the slum city in Kenya. These people have nothing and work all the hours in the day to earn a few shillings, to feed there family. They live in corrugated huts and there is no hot water or toilets? Yet they were so polite and welcoming? I had sat and had a huge tea and took it for granted and yet they are scavenging on refuse dumps??? It's all so very very wrong. When I see the dross that have never worked and are raking it in on benefits, I figured the Government should charter planes, put all these lazy gits on it with loads of donated building material, and make them work for their money and do some good as well???
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