I figure I got about 4 hours kip last night off and on. I am still breathing so my body must be putting up with it, although rebelling in some areas?
I am going to watch a play tonight that has in it's cast, a fellow musician. This guy is living the real dream, as he has been a Financial Advisor and intends to retire by the sea in his 50s.
I am going to watch a play tonight that has in it's cast, a fellow musician. This guy is living the real dream, as he has been a Financial Advisor and intends to retire by the sea in his 50s.
I think I will take some rotten fruit and throw it. Not very nice, but will make me feel better.
Today we have had to have a coffin made which is bigger than my wardrobe at home. I can only say, that in years to come, it is set to get worse if something is not done. (about peoples weight, not my wardrobe)
Managed a short blow last night but am annoyed that I have only managed one training session? However,I realise that I need to be kind to myself at some point in life.
Today we have had to have a coffin made which is bigger than my wardrobe at home. I can only say, that in years to come, it is set to get worse if something is not done. (about peoples weight, not my wardrobe)
Managed a short blow last night but am annoyed that I have only managed one training session? However,I realise that I need to be kind to myself at some point in life.