Laying awake last night, with my tooth throbbing at a volcanic 10, on the pain in the arse scale, I started thinking outside the box. I have spent most of my life thinking like that as it keeps me amused.
I was thinking, laying there with my teddy bear and Sandra Bullock life size doll beside me, that if everyone was born to play a musical instrument and all at the same standard, would anyone pay to go and listen to a concert??? Same if it was Football! If everyone could play footie at the same standard as say that good looking chap Rooney? would the scores be in triple figures? or a nil score every match????
I managed to drop off at about 4am thank goodness before I completely went potty?
I did manage a blow for 30 minutes last night, but it was a tad uncomfy. All the notes were there, but not necessarily in the right order?
I had a go at Twittering last night. I can't say I fully understand it as it seems to be more drivel than I already write? I looked at a twitter from Sir Alan Sugar who was having a bet with Piers Morgan and noted that Rooney went for a walk in the park before last nights game? I am not sure this will change my life or not, but was amused to see a site dedicated to keeping music on vinyl???? instead of CD and digital?
I also looked in on Kiera Knightley Phwooarrr? and Dawn French?? Opposite ends of the scale there, but I would not kick either out of bed on a cold foggy night!!!
Reminds me, must get my eyes tested.
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