I am sure that there is some sort of saying ,that infers ,that if you do good deeds in life, that you will be rewarded in the future?
So how come, that driving back from the take away last night with my girlfriend, we found an injured Hedgehog.
Very smelly and covered with fleas (The Hedgehog, not my girlfriend) I chased it round the close with neighbours curtains twitching.
I managed to grab it and noticed it had been mauled by some other animal. Some of the neighbours came out and said it had been wandering around for a couple of days (then why didn't they do something about it grrrr)
Taking it into my house and my takeaway now stone cold, I rang the Hedgehog rescue line????
Because I was rushing out to play in the Band, I could not get it to them ,so they advised me to get it a hot water bottle and feed it on dog food!!! and keep an eye on it overnight.
I have neither of these things in my house, so whilst my partner went to the shop[ (she had eaten her tea) I fashioned a hot water bottle out of an old plastic container and filled it with warm water. ( I also can make a Tracey Island out of sticky back plastic)
I left it a tasty bowl of Pedigree Chum and some water and legged it to Band.
I left it a tasty bowl of Pedigree Chum and some water and legged it to Band.
So my reward was..........my new Trombone, falling off it's stand during the Concert, and getting a massive dent in the pipe work!!!!
Arriving home I rang my partner and she asked how my prickly lodger was.
Bad news I am afraid.
Oh no is he dead, she asked,
No, bad news that my Trombone has been damaged!!!
The Hedgehog is alive and well and eating the mutty morsels as if there was no tomorrow.
So at midnight, I refilled 'Spikeys' (yes I have named him) hot water bottle and replenished his doggy treats.
Having had a bad night worrying about the poor mite, I opened the porch door with trepidation this morning?
I was hit by an awful smell as I looked into the box
The hedgehog had taken the blanket I had put in for him and wrapped himself up cosy like, with just his nose sticking out, he had also taken the food and water dishes in his little tent and devoured the lot!!!!
I feel quite maternal now? But I still have a bloody dented Trombone????
When I got home from work, my partner rang me again.
How's things she asked.
Bad news I am afraid.
Is it dead she tremor ed.
No but my bloody Trombone is bent.
Tsk priorities!!!
When I got home from work, my partner rang me again.
How's things she asked.
Bad news I am afraid.
Is it dead she tremor ed.
No but my bloody Trombone is bent.
Tsk priorities!!!
So off to the rescue centre tonight.
Knowing the way things are going though, I will probably crash the car!!!
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