I think, that most musicians like practicing in a bathroom or toilet? If there is a bit of an echo it helps with pitching and usually sounds great.
Last night we played for a 1940's Dance in a massive aircraft hangar. It was a bit of a disastrous start,as the dancers leaped to the Dance Floor but one couple knocked over a Trombonists music stand in there eagerness, with music and beer flying everywhere. Just like pro's though, we kept going ,although the Trombonist was trying to scoop his amber nectar back in his glass.
It was a great night, with most folk dressed in 1940s garb. One lady had a massive bussom which she had obviously polished especially for the occasion (I understand that Pledge is very good for this sort of buff up job?) She was proud of them and the Band certainly had no complaints. At one point I put my head down in line with her chest and said 'Oooh look, a pawn brokers sign' Hope that was not classed as sexual harassment? (I don't care cos i enjoyed it)
It was a long long journey to the venue and my mate (the nameless) Trumpet player with a huge wallet! asked me if I would use Beatrice, my Sat Nav, as his, Daphne, was having her circuits manicured? I did and off we went. Now Beatrice tries to find the easiest Way to a venue. On this occasion she wanted to take us down the M6 Toll. My mate, being of Jewish leanings? said 'no way' so we did an 80 mile detour to miss it. This threw Beatrice into a Female strop (you know the sort chaps) and she went into a sulk.
On the way back, my mate decided to fire up his Daphne as he reckoned she was more efficient!!
I now am calling my mate 'Zebedee' because on the way back, we went around the same roundabout (without indicating) about 5 times!!!!!
Bloody good Gig though and I had 3 solos in the second half. I wish you could 'can' a moment as the Bathroom Acoustics helped me play 'Song of India' the best I have ever played it.
We had to finish at 11pm then another act was closing the show. Wondering how we could clear the stage so we did not have to wait, we came up with the cunning plane to play 'Skin Deep' and whilst the drummer was soloing, we would pack the band away in 5 minutes flat, leaving just him playing at the end and the Band walking on to play the last 7 notes.
It went down a storm, and as one audience member said 'That was fantastic'
Sure was. A great night and one that makes you proud to be a musician.
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