Sooooo! The Bank finally got in touch and told me that a paranormal universe exists between their letter box and the counter. Anything posted in the box on a Bank Holiday, will disappear in a shimmering cacophony of light and fairy dust! never to be seen again.
Or something like that?
It's gone anyway and now I have to wait while it is proved from my company that the cheques have not been cashed and that could take ages. Which also means ,I am 2 weeks wages down and will have to revert to eating the scraps ,that I sometime feed the loose bowel-ed fox's!
To be fair, they have offered me £25 compensation, which completely p***ed me off as I hate this compensation culture. I told them that I just wanted my wages and nothing else.
Any donations please fold and send to me via 'The Old Decrepit Trombonists Society)
N.B I think the Fairy Dust has now spread!!! A Crematorium has just rang to ask where the paperwork is for a Funeral we are doing in a couple of days.
The paperwork was delivered by hand yesterday and given to a member of staff of the said crematorium!!!! (wonder if they have my wages as well?)
I am listening to James Horners marvelous soundtrack to Titanic again. It's amazing, how music can make a tragedy, mysterious and romantic and yet if you had played the music over the tannoy of the real sinking Titanic, it would not have made a jot of difference to the fear and despair felt by the doomed passengers!!
I must admit, that I have one big ambition left (apart from moving to Staithes) and that is, to play on a Film Soundtrack. Any Film soundtrack. I would even pay them to do it!!!!!
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