I hate the word 'Mental' . They use it in the modern day idiom referring to 'Mental Health'?
The word mental encompasses anyone with Depression or Anxiety issues. It also applies to people who go around chopping innocent peoples heads off!!!
In the 60's they used the word Spastic to refer to someone who was handicapped (another horrid word), but luckily they dropped that word quite quickly.
Seeing that 1 in 5 people suffer from Depression in the UK alone, I think a new term should be used.
After all, most people who suffer, are only afflicted by a genetic fault, severe life trauma or sometimes substance abuse to escape from life's pressures.
So I think the word they should use now is 'normal' and keep the mental word, for those in padded cells?
As my partner says, all bad problems begin with 'Men'
Mental. Menstruation. Menopause........
I have to go back to the doc's Monday and try and arrange a fasting blood test. This should be able to be arranged by bypassing the Doctor and arranging the test with the nurse. But no. I have to wait for an appointment to see the quack. Then after keeping me waiting for 40 minutes past my allotted appointment time, they will give me a bit of paper to see the nurse!!!!!
I am sorry, but I do class myself as knowing a little bit about music? Then how come those two talentless tw*ts beat the UK in the Euro warbling contest last night?
Yep, the world has indeed gone quite mad....
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