How cruel this world has been ,when you think of the atrocities committed against fellow man.
I watched a programme about the final days of Auschwitz and Belsen last night.
Belsen had a particular interest to me ,as I was stationed there (not during the war I might add, although some folk may think so!)
They were interviewing a Jewish Man who was on board an open top train on his way to a concentration camp with many others. It was minus 20 and all the seats and floor were full. A German prisoner who had been standing asked the Jewish man if he could sit for a moment. The Jew said 'no' The German then offered him 3 cigarettes for a loan of his seat. The Jew excepted and stood up. It only took the Jewish man 20 minutes to smoke the ciggies. he then asked the German to stand up so he could have his seat back. The German refused. So the Jewish man got three of his pals, grabbed the German and sat on him until he suffocated? They then threw his body over the side of the train.
When asked many years later if he regretted his actions, the Jewish man said no and smiled? He said that many of his family had been killed by the Germans so this was fair???
Revenge can sometimes leave a bitter taste, but not in this chaps case?
Thrilled that my second book (which is actually the first) has arrived, Covering a period from 2007 and 2008, it documents the life of the OBB over this period and I have managed to read a few pages to refresh my memory of what we all did. Their is laughter, tiredness, tragedy and up's and down's of the Band and I can't believe we did it all together?
I am only disappointed in the fact, that the 'reader' icons precede every diary entry, but you soon get used to them. It would take me weeks to go back and remove them all, but maybe one day I will?