Missionary work is still being carried out today all over the world. Be it Africa or on my street. But think of the poor Nun who was sent out to a jungle somewhere inhabited by uncivilised natives. She went round the village trying to teach the chief some English words. She pointed at a tree and said T.R.E.E the chief repeated Treeee. She pointed at river and said R.I.V.E.R. The chief replied Riverrrrr. Unfortunately she then came upon a couple making love in the undergrowth. Embarrassed she said M.A.N. O.N B.I.C.Y.C.L.E...... The chief promptly whipped out a knife and killed the man
Why did you do that asked the shocked Nun.
Because he was riding my bicycle replied the chief.
I had an attack of the Montezuma's revenge yesterday... Luckily I was at home and can only put it down to a glass of water I consumed in a cafe. the glass was warm so I reckon I picked up a germ!!!!! certainly a good detox anyway.
I was searching for Trombone related Polo Shirts before my hols. What a perfect logo for the Musical Undertaker.
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