Duke Ellington, was once asked how he managed to keep some of his musicians for so long? Some for as long as 45 years. He replied, that you had to have a gimmick. When asked what it was, He replied the gimmick was, that 'he gave them money'!
Of course the 'Ellington' band attracted the dancers and a new craze called 'flapping' later to be called the Lindy Hop started. Some of these dancers would practice for hours to become the best in the business and become recognised, Going on to be background dancers in films and shows. Between the 'Duke' and Benny Goodman, racism started to be stamped out, using combinations of white and black players.
It's amazing, that the 'Dukes' Band would play a whole 'dance' without any music??? It all had to be learned and must have taken hours of practice.
Ellington had the 'Cotton Club' but tonight's local dance was not far off that. Our keyboard player provided the playing list. To compare it to the film 'The Perfect Storm, this was the 'Perfect programme' with just the right combination of dances which was superbly balanced.
I was shocked though tonight. One of the questions in the quiz was 'Who was the Trombone player who was known as the Sentimental Gentleman'?
You know, some people put Glenn Miller???? I could not believe it? But then again maybe I am a sad closet Big Band fan.....well yes I am.
Been contacted by some ex members of the Regimental Band. Good to see some are still playing and if you click the title above, you will see a group that has a musician who has kept up the standard of musicianship on 'sax' Nice one mate.
Also enclosing another photo that was taken in Germany in Wolfenbuttel (or Dog in Jar as it was affectionately known) thanks to DD for this. I can't work out if I had already jumped out of the plane and crocked myself or it was before the photo was taken. Judging by my 'facial top lip hair' it was probably this that caused my parachute to let me down??? Oh by the way I am far left.
By the way this is Monday's post and not Sunday as it says????
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