We have played in most places in the Country. But last night we were at the North Pole.
Ok, it was the middle of Lincoln, but it was bloody freezing.
At one point during the evening the Bass Bone player looked at me and said 'My God your lips have turned blue'!!!
The only good thing, was it numbed my face and I could not feel my throbbing tooth. Our poor female vocalist only had a thin throw for her shoulders and I think she was pleased to see us all!
Being chivalrous, I loaned her my coat, but this is only so it would be warmed up for me when we went home lol.. I have never known the Band want to keep their Uniform jackets and hats on all night.
An old member of the Regimental Band has been in touch through Facebook. he has published some photo's that I had not seen for years. One of which I share with you here. I am second from the left and we were duty Band at Sandhurst. A brilliant posting.
By the way, if you have a wooden spoon at home then there are two uses for them.
You can either cook with them.
Or write a number on them and go and sit in a pub and shout 'Where's my food'?
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