Strange 12 hours?
Last night was a very good blow but our lead bone player got wound up by some prats muttering stupid comments behind him as he was playing jazz with the quartet. He threatened to leave. I managed to calm him down, but he was not a happy teddy.
I was asked if I would do lead to cover next week as he was on Holiday and I said no. The reason being, that my jazz is nowhere near as good as his and it is a paying audience and they deserve his standard of musicianship and I hate sympathy applause if I attempt it and that's not very fair.
The Band leader said 'Well you did a good job last time'........
That was almost 18 months ago!!!
Last night I was exhausted and fell into a deep coma. I was jolted awake by what I though was my alarm going off? Through my sleepy haze I realised it was my doorbell. I shot out of bed and opened the window. Down below were 2 of my female neighbours. They shouted up 'We would like to come up and have sex with you'
Well, that's what I thought they had said through the sleepiness, but in fact they had shouted up for a spare key as 1 of them was locked out of her house???
I had to open the door in my pants (I don't have an actual door in my pants by the way) to give her the key and bang went the rest of my so needed sleep.
Got to work, only to find that my Boss was poorly and maybe have to go into hospital. This has come whilst 2 members of staff are on holiday so we are really short staffed, but lucky we only have one more Funeral this week.
I am getting my favourite vicar to read my book 'The Musical Undertaker' it's a bit risque in parts but he will be the first to judge it.
My other book 'Diary of a Big band' is being read by our female Trumpet player and I have asked for her honest opinion???? so this one is risky?
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