Well at least I got a little more kip last night, although I will never completely catch up.
I had a Technicolour dream about being back in the Army (I have these quite regularly in different forms and I am well aware of what they signify)
I was with a fellow Trombone player ( hello Ian ,Gutten Tag Mein Freund) and we were going to play in the Massed Bands.
He had all his Marches on his Lyre, but I couldn't find mine? I decided I would have to blag it and ended up in a right mess, marching in the wrong section of the Band!!! and in the wrong direction.
How weird.
This then woke me with a start!!!
I managed to get off again and then had a much more interesting dream about a female neighbour!!!!!
I am reading a book now, about a man walking the length of the Amazon!! He started with a good friend, but after a few weeks they started to get on each others wick and fell out big time?
This was even before they got to the start of the mighty river.
I think that this strengthens the fact, that we all need our own space and solitude at some times in our lives and I take my wig off, to those that have been married for more than 5 minutes?
A mini stress moment today, when we turned up with the Hearse and the body for Cremation and no one was at the Crematorium.
No Family, No Minister it was like the Mary Celeste!!!
After numerous fruitless phone calls (try saying that 3 times fast.................you did didn't you)
We could not get in contact with anyone???
20 minutes after the stated time, the family and vicar turned up?
They had failed to notify us, that they were having a private Ceremony first!!!
We did not even get an apology!!!
Stress, is only caused by other peoples inconsideration...
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