My new Sat Nav seems to have been calibrated when the Roman Roads were constructed.
After travelling in a circle for 5 minutes and many many expletives, I said 'sod it' and switched it off, relying instead on instinct, which worked a damn sight better!
It was a long long night as we had to be set up for 6.30 and did not finish until 11pm. In that time, we only played about 14 numbers whilst the Organ, the self confessed star of the show' played scores of tunes. It goes on that long, that quite a few people started leaving, muttering that they wanted to hear more of the Big Band? (This happens every year)
Again last night, I ended up chastising myself as I must have stood up for 4 solo's of differing lengths.
The main one though and the tune I like to play went ok. That was until the last top 'C' . I realised that as I was cutting the Band off, I had to stop the music by waggling my slide. Of course, as I did this I split the last second of the note. Stupid, stupid mistake, which ruined a perfectly good solo. I compare it to one of those bent wire games at the fair. You try and get a metal circle on a handle through the twists and turns without touching the wire and setting off a buzzer. There is a £5 prize at the end and you only have half an inch to go..then buuuuzzzzzzz. It's lost?
One of the guys forgot a music pad last night. this meant that there were only 4 pieces of music for 5 players on every number. Unfortunately the musician also turned up late and if they had adhered to the instructions, would have been conscientious enough to go home and get it?
But no and as i said to the M/C, I still have Army Head and glad I am not fronting any more as I would have been a tad less impolite.
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