Despite criticising the fact that a television station was going to broadcast a programme showing a man dying. Despite my inner voice saying I should not watch it. I sat down for the whole programme and wished I hadn't??
The reason I watched it?
Well, I did not believe they would really show what they did.
It left me feeling very uncomy and extremely angry.
I deal with grief every day, But the lack of apparent emotion, shown by this poor man's wife, left me seething with anger.
Her only concern, seemed to be, which flavour chocolate he should have after he had drank the potion that would end his life?
She did not seem that keen, to even want to sit with him in his final moments, instead a Dignity escort held him ,until he was gone.
The chap was poorly I agree, but to me, it felt he still had a certain quality of life and should not have gone through with it?
I have seen the aftermath of suicide in the past.
To be honest, I can't say that I have not considered it myself, long ago and in the past , when things had become intolerable.
But although I am not particularly religious, I still believe we should fight on through to the natural end?
I still believe we do not have the right to end our own lives?
Years from now! I may think differently. But as I have said. Those that are left behind, are left with the guilt and the questions and the anger and the frustration?
As I said on the radio this morning, We are not ready for this type of programme and some things should be left to the privacy of those that wish to end their own lives.
I think that the programme will have done more harm than good and predict that the Swiss termination clinic will have double their quota of enquiries now.
Sad Sad day for Television.