I went to a flea market on my own yesterday, to buy some industrial size party poppers. I usually go with my partner but she was at a Carol Service (I had done church once already), I thought I would be Billy no Mates and have a coffee and bun while I was there. As I joined the Queue, I noticed the girl serving had a terrible cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I waited in line and I was next but one to be served. Then the girl sneezed and wiped her nose on the back of her hand whilst continuing to serve the customer in front. Did I want Mucus on my Chelsea Bun I pondered? Did I want snot in my Latte, I deliberated? Did I want this bug ridden lady to serve me....... I legged it.
Last Dance of 2010 last night and for the first 20 minutes we had no mic's or pa system. My partner said that a couple had remarked that the Band sounded natural without the sound coming out of the speakers??? However you would never have a vocal number again if that was the case.
My work mate is off with the flu today. It did however start on Thursday so he came into work whilst it was most catchable.
Ah it's the thought that counts.
I think that's what the modern music world would call 'OBB unplugged'?