On the drive down to 'Brummie' land last night I asked my mate what he would do if the world were to end in 60 minutes time.
He replied 'Have sex with anything that moved' He asked me what I would do. I replied
'Stand extremely still'!!!!!!
Last night's Concert/Dance was in the biggest building I had ever seen. It only seemed to have one door though and no access for cars to get to and took us twenty minutes to get in?
The acoustics were really dead and it was a hard blow. So much so, one of the sax players split a reed and has been nick named 'Tweety'
Also the audience were of mature years and were ready for their Horlicks and nightgowns well before the end. Good blow though even though it was a Friday. On the way back, the Sat Nag decided it would take us around the same block of buildings a number of times by repeatedly saying 'Turn Left'??
We finally broke free from the Black Country and made our way back to home in the early hours of the morning.
This photo has turned up on the Internet after many years.
It was taken in Madrid and I can only assume it was taken. just after the week that I went without sleep????
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