I have been an undertaker for many years now. I can honestly say that most of the things I see, I have not give a second thought to, after the incident. However we were called to a house removal by the Coroner last week. The person had committed suicide, of which, I have attended many. This time though, the person had tried 3 different ways to kill themselves. The third time they were successful. The mess that was left was not very nice. But it was not that, that prayed on my mind. The house was cold and bare and the person was so alone. So desperate to end it all, that they almost mutilated their own body. We are in the 21st Century and there still seems to be no compassion and warmth, where this person could have turned to for real help. I really don't know the circumstances,but I am sure Depression took a large part in this person deciding to end it all. I felt so sad and wish I could have talked to them and extended a helping hand. Sad, but unfortunately over the Winter months there will be more. More money should be poured into research and a real cure, other than medication.
The students are protesting again about fee's. As I understand it, they do not have to be repaid until the student has a job??? Well sorry, I think University these days is a Government con to keep the unemployment figures down. They have introduced obscure subjects that you can study a whole 3 years for and at the end a job does not exist to cater for this knowledge. I mean, who wants to employ a student who has done a 3 year course in belly button fluff through the ages???
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