Well going to take a couple of days of 'Blogging' for the Fester Season.
The last person to catch the cold, was the boss's wife who has been sneezing everywhere today. So that has moved down the line to all members of staff, except me? However, I have convinced myself I have dry throat??????? Only one cure for that then. Loads of beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A very Merry Chrimbo to all my readers. Thanks you for following my drivel over the past year. The Blog was created mainly as a Therapeutic aid for myself, as I tell everyone who is cursed with the big 'D', to talk and keep talking. So if my words have brought a smile to your face after reading my words, then all is well.
A final word from a Transvestite friend of mine, on when asked what he was going to do over Xmas, replied 'Eat, Drink and be Mary'!!!!
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