Went to a very enjoyable party last night. It was one where we all had a wee in the living room. Ok it's pronounced wii I think, but great fun, as me and the female vocalist thrashed it out on ten pin bowls and then skiing? We all struggled through the centimeter of snow to the 'do' and the host's had provided a great buffet and a music quiz that stumped most of us. I confused James Stewart with Tommy Dorsey...unforgivable. I did however get one lyric correct, but that's only because I had sung Minnie the Moocher.
A few more wandering zombies at the local shopping area this morning. The whole area had been closed by scores of police cars and officers. As one Policeman told me 'it's a major, major incident' He would not let me through to get my Sunday Pot Noodle though? How selfish is that.
No Band tonight as the icy conditions has stopped some folk getting out of their drives? How times have changed since the Glenn Miller story, where everyone made it through a 15 foot blizzard?
Ah, but that was in the days before political correctness and health and safety lunacy, ma friend.