At last some heart warming news. Two are to become one. What a wonderful love story to brighten this gloomy winter. They have been so much in love and now they are finally going to be joined together.
Yes folks, our Trumpet player is having his Wallet Argon Welded to his left leg!!!.
I really enjoyed the blow last night and even dipped my little toe into the small pool of solo's. Now this is no mean feat, sat next to the master, believe me. It was also nice to be offered to dep for him in the Rat Pack tour. An offer I wont be taking up due to other commitments, but was nice to be asked never the less.
I nearly killed my boss yesterday as we were moving some particularly heavy rocks. Now most people stand up straight after bending down. However he stood up to the right as I was hurling a rock to the left and it hit him on the bonce. As we were on our own it struck me (well him actually) that if I had killed him, would they have believed it was an accident.
I like a laugh and have been known to take the mickey sometimes.
I was in a well known Supermarket which I can't name, but it as da be pretty famous?
I picked up some cooked Chicken legs and asked one of the staff if they were back legs or front legs? She said she did not know, but would go and ask,,,,,,,,
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