I have often said, that some folk live their lives as in the film Groundhog Day. They have meals at the same time every day. Do their washing on the same day every week. They also visit the same shops and strength prevail if anything knocks them off course.
So today I can prove this theory.
In the small town that I live, their are about 20 or so shops. One of them is a fairly large Supermarket. Recently bought out by another company, they are now closed for a week for refurbishment. I watched as some folk wandered round in a zombie like state having been dislodged from their usual pattern of activity.
All around the premises is scaffolding and a large wire fence. The door to the Supermarket is open where you can see the workmen beavering (no relation to the Groundhog) away. However there is a small gap between the wire fence and the wall. I watched an old couple looking puzzled that they could not go on their usual tram line into the entrance that they had used for years. However they spotted the gap.
I watched and listened in amazement as the old dear said 'Well, we have never had to go in this way before' as they started to squeeze between the fence and the wall!!!!
Did I do anything????
Of course I did (if you don't know me by now etc etc). I shouted 'Oy.....the shops shut. There is a big clue here with the fence'
Bless them, they did get the message, but also confirmed to me that some folk live in a pre programmed bubble???
Last night we had fireworks. back to my childhood (actually I have never left it) and I spent £10 on a medium size box. (I can't say the name because of advertising, but they were a fairly STANDARD size box!!) We might as well have bought a box of Swann Vesta matches. Lit them and thrown them in the air. Miserable sparks and fizzes that lasted 5 seconds (bit like my love life) and it was all over. However next door was like Beirut. The earth was shaking with the deafening bangs and the rockets almost went into orbit. Goodness knows how much they cost but of course their is a recession on...or is there?
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