Since old Harold Shipman started his antics, the paperwork required to arrange Funerals has tripled. On release of a body from hospital a form must be acquired signed by 2 doctors saying they have seen the body. The process is...see the body....fill out the form. However a few of the Doc's are cutting corners by signing the forms first!!
This happened to one poor Undertaker who had come all the way from Newcastle to fetch a body. The paperwork had been signed so he was allowed to take the body. However when he returned to the Brown Ale country he had a telephone call saying he must bring the body back as the doctor had signed but not seen!!!!
Now this happened to us today and I took the call. We were about 8 miles from the hospital and 2 miles away from base. They wanted us to take the body back as...guess what...the doc had not seen the body. Now pick what happened.
1. We took the body back
2. We made the doctor come out to us!!!!!!!
A poem sent to me.
They joined for many reasons, to march, to sail, to fly.
They went where they were posted, but nobody joined to die
Their leaders plead on TV, what else could we have done?
But those leaders lost no daughters and none has lost a son.
So here's to all our soldiers, wherever they may be and here's to all their families as I raise a glass to thee.
Lest we Forget.
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