I am not a happy teddy at the moment and can only put it down to the season, my aching teeth and a complaining tum? I did not play well last night in Song of India, but managed to crawl back some form of credibility in ‘The way we were’ To be fair on myself, the Dorsey number rocked somewhat in the second section lead in to the solo, so a wobble from all the Band ensued. So am not beating myself up so badly this time.
I also know I am out of sorts, because I have had an e-mail from Lottery HQ saying that they have exciting news about a Lottery ticket I purchased last Saturday. Now the first time I received one of these messages I became a tad hyperactive. You see, the first time they contacted me, they used the words ‘We have news about your lottery ticket’ Now any news to me is good news, so with bated breath I logged into my account. Only to find that I had won a tenner? Ok a win is a win and to be honest I was very pleased. However, imagine my joy when a few months later I received an e-mail saying ‘We have Exciting news about your lottery ticket. Exciting?? Has to be better than just ‘news’s’ surely. But no. It was another tenner and they had just changed the wording to pray on every man’s gambling instincts, ensuring you would add funds to buy more tickets. So this Sunday morning as I logged on, In popped the ‘exciting news’ e-mail. I am writing this draft at 12.30am Monday morning and have still not logged in to find out what I have won. You see, I could be sitting here a millionaire………..or maybe I have 5 and the bonus and have won thousands. Or even 4 numbers and have won sixty quid plus. You see, what should really happen is that they send out an e-mail saying ‘f*** me log in quick, your life has just changed drastically’ So until then or unless they ring me, I will make them wait and still feel like a millionaire?
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