So I asked my partner, how old she thought I looked.
Well , she replied. Looking at your physique 38. The tone of your skin 30. hey I replied that's great. Hang on she said,I haven't finished adding them up yet?
Amazing though, that when you finish growing at both ends, you start to grow in the middle?
Going bald does not help and I wondered if any animals actually go bald. I mean if a Bear had thinning hair, would it be called Fred Bear.
The worst thing about getting old though is, first you start to forget names. Then you forget faces. Then you forget to pull your zip up!!! But worse of all, you forget to pull it down. Maybe I will move to Eastbourne. This place caters for the older folk. Even the shop windows are made of Bi Focal Glass.
I got my own back though when my partner asked me if I thought men still looked at her boobs. I said of course, but they have to stoop down low......
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