As I sit here slobbering over my keyboard. You can probably guess that I have had my filling done. Now I am not exaggerating when I say that it is nearly as big as the Chedar Gorge, and the dentist had to send out for more paste to fill it. All that pain and it might not even work, he informed me. Don't eat on that side for a couple of hours and if it does fall out then we will have to cap it, but (intake of breath) it's bloody expensive, he told me with a gleam in his bloodshot eyes??
Yes I am full of woe today. As he was drilling into my skull, I was evaluating my life. I wish my dad had put his urges on hold when he first got married. Well at least for another year ,before they considered producing a little Trombone player?? You see, if they had waited another year, then I could have retired at flipping 65. But oh no. The Government have moved the finish line and now I have to work another 12 months!!!! thanks to the new date they have set. Flipping marvelous.
I have been sent another photo of my Army days. Can you see which one I am? Answers on a £20 note please. The guy at the back on the far right, got a right bollocking for looking down.
Anyway I am off to eat my tea through a straw now. Another few years and I will be doing that anyway. And Slobbering. And forgetting what I have said.
Another few years and I will be doing that anyway. And Slobbering......
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