I now have more photographs of my Electricity Meter, than I have of my Summer Holidays last year.
David Bailey would be proud of all the different angles I have of the rogue dials. Some cheeky and some a little risque!!!
I also have some prints that are up at work and all that have studied them, say that the meter is wrong?
Watch this space.
In relationship to the above, one of our Trombone players is a Scientific Expert working for the above Energy Company I am having problems with. I whipped out my cheeky little meter snaps and showed him.
Basically he said 'The problem is bigger than people know and that's all I can say'!!!!
Now that means, I presume, that I am not the only one in the UK who's Electricity dials are reading wrong.
That could mean, that some poor old Pensioner with a heart defect could have shuffled off the mortal coil after receiving a massive bill.
That means, I am going to make life hell for this company.
Continuing Famous last words uttered on the Death Bed
I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis.~~ Humphrey Bogart!!!
Nice one Bogie.
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