Oh woe is me.
Looks like my futile attempts to plaster sun screen over my lips failed miserably. Unheard of really, but woke this morning with yet another cold sore??? This has never happened before. I usually get 2 a year but at least 6 months between, not weeks??? I don't stand a chance really, when my old mum used to get horrendous ones. But they really do p**s me off as they are painful and look awful.
I have to look on the bright side though. I can still play, as this time it is on the other side of my mouth.
As for playing. Last night was excellent and a good couple of solo's under my belt. The Band were on form as well and a good time was had by all.
I have been to an Antique Fair today. I usually go with my partner and we can spend at least and hour and a half there.
I paid to get in and whizzed round in 10 minutes!!!!!. It just was not the same without her and add to that a return of the galloping trots, which put paid to the afternoon?
I have had a good run though so I am not moaning.
Well actually I am, but whats the point?
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